Wednesday, July 1, 2009

First post on my fourth round of unemployment

It is my intention that this blog will make you feel happy. I am terribly surprised that I am doing this, considering that there are hundreds of blogs out there, many of which go unnoticed. I am facing my fourth round of being unemployed within the last three years. Unlike the other three times, this time I was laid off from a job I never felt comfortable in, am able to qualify for State unemployment benefits, and enough food stamps to at least buy soy milk and bread for the month. I'm in the state with the second highest unemployment rate, the highest minimum wage rate, one of the highest homelessness rates and a state that can barely live without sales tax.

I have a resume that ranks up there with about 10,000 other graduates with Communication Studies degrees. It lists things like my former boss's cell phone number, my first job out of college as a hotel concierge (where I could lift suitcases above my head and where I met Stephen King), that I know both ACT and CRM sales databases, and that yes indeed I am organized, good at communication, a proven people person, and I can handle the toughest situation with ease.
What it doesn't show is that I have more creativity, ideas, interests, and goals than what 8.5x11 inches won't allow me to fit in.

So, to those of you who are scrambling to find change in your winter coat pockets (I just found $5 in one of mine so in celebration I bought some lime popsicles) and creating spreadsheets on every penny spent - this blog will be geared towards creative outlets, job searching tips, and cooking on the terribly cheap all while exemplifying fabulousness and ultimately giving you hope and something positive to look at and consider.

I mean shit, I have to do something.....

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